“Teen Therapy” is our first mobile app animated series designed for Weill Cornell Medicine, NYC. The app will be free for young people undergoing Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (CBT) with one of the Cornell network hospitals. We were commissioned by Old Bridge Media to create eight short animated docs which explain some of the mainstream psychological problems people face today (anxiety, panic attacks, depression, lack of self confidence etc.). Working with a great team of doctors and researches, we re-created numerous everyday-life situations and simple behavioural mechanisms to fight these common psychological issues.
Director/Producer: Maria Stanisheva
Concept/Design: Oliver Sin, Chris Lloyd, Adam Wells
Animation: Matt Wilson, Adam Wells
Music composer/Sound designer: Timothy Bright
Project Manager: Sybil Rodgers, Old Bridge Media
Executive Producer and Writer: John Hubbell, Old Bridge Media
Co-Writer: Avital Falk, Sackler Institute (Weill Cornell Medicine, NYC)
Voice Over: Elle Anhorn and Annemarie Rosano
© 2018 Weill Cornell Medicine [8 x 3’]