Just saw The Imposter – a fascinating investigative/psychological thriller documentary, directed by Bart Layton. The story is about a young Frenchman who claims to a grieving Texas family that he is their 16-year-old son Nicholas who has been missing for 3 years. Though the family accepts him, suspicion starts to grow. How could the Barclay’s blonde, blue-eyed son have returned with darker skin and eyes? How could his personality and even accent have changed so profoundly? Why does the family not seem to notice the glaring differences? And if this person who has arrived in Texas isn’t the Barclay’s missing child . . . who on earth is he? And what really happened to Nicholas?
Produced by the creators of Project Nim and Man on Wire, this film puts the audience into detective shoes much like Thin Blue Line – the classic in this genre. Creative re-enactments and at least two fascinating twist will guarantee you stay alert!